Thanks everyone for your positive thoughts about blogging, like you I can only see good coming from it. As far as I can see we are in more danger every day just going out in our cars, or any of the other things we do. I certainly don't think it is fair to compare it to "chat rooms" Well, I am going to continue blogging and sharing in the blogging fraternity, with all you lovely people out there.
I just love these Iris, they are one of my favourite flowers. There's not much flowering in the garden at the moment.
Walter is making a big pot of Pea and Ham soup, it certainly smells delicious, and with some garlic bread should make a great dinner. We share the cooking. He raised his two girls and was on his own for a lot of years, so he learned to be a good cook. I'm certainly not complaining.
Once again I have had trouble with Mr Blogger, I had not quite finished quite a long post, when we had to go out for about 30 minutes, and when I returned , the post, complete with the photos had simply disappeared. There's no one but Walter and I in the house, so there's no one else to blame.
I was posting some quotes from kids about their mothers. I haven't time to do them all again. I really liked this one.....
I'm the youngest of six kids. We've all done well - I'm going to be a barrister some day.
When I graduated from Uni last year, Mum showed me this bit of old paper, a form signed by her phys. ed teacher when she was thirteen, at school in Italy. It was for excellence in swimming.
That is the only document she has recording her excellence in anything. But she says she has us if anyone wants to check her work. Assynta 21.
That's pretty much how I feel about my life, I don't have any letters after my name, or diplomas, but I feel pretty proud of my five wonderful children, and what they have acheived.
There's no point to being grown-up, if you can't be childish sometimes.
I like your quote at the end.
And your sentiments about accomplishments as well.
Ray cooks too although he did more when he was feeling better. We've made a good team for almost 17 years now.
Jacqui, I don't have many days like that. They're what messes my sleep cycle up but it all had to be done. I accidentally overscheduled and didn't want to cancel coffee with my friend.
Not so much work as driving.
The color thing turned out to be simple. Of course the whole thing was already set up and all I had to do was replace a couple of number/letter combinations with another.
One for the post background, the other for the print.
I'll say it before Marcus gets here, "Poor Walter"
H Jacqui ~~ A beautiful Iris and a good photo of it. Good on Walter making Pea
and Ham Soup. I make it and love it.
Does he use a hock or bacon bones? Lots
more meat on a hock. Peter taught me that one years ago. I remember being shocked that he made Pea Soup.
Take care, Merle.
I found you over at "grannys". and wanted to drop in and tell you what a nice blog you have. I love all the photos on the previous post. I will be back again to read some more
I'm happy you're feeling better about blogging! IMO it is just harmless fun and adds a lot to our lives. Sharing garden photos, for instance, where's the harm or danger in that! And sharing photos and stories of our families....where's the danger!
Oh, I know there's undesirable things on the internet, but they can be avoided. This blogging world among we 'older people' has just been a lot of fun for me ! :)
That photo from your garden is very pretty!...And I bet that pea soup was good! It's nice to have a husband who can cook!...Charles usually does breakfast !
Hi Jacqui,
I was at a job interview I thought I had prepared well for... when one of the two people doing the interview asked me, "What is the accomplishment in your life that you are most proud of?"
Without thinking I answered, "My relationship with my kids!"
then of course I thought .. crikey .. that's not a very 'professional' response .. but guess what? They were both really impressed, started talking about what a great family company they were and how important family is...
I got the job!
p.s. thanks for the beautiful travel pics, I love to see things like these that I will never see.
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