That's not what I wanted to blog about tonight, though.
We were out to dinner last night, for Bruce (my son's) birthday, and we got to talking about Peter's (his dad's) birthday celebration the weekend before, and how he had 70 odd hits on his site for his birthday. Anyway both Bruce and the friends we were with said they thought blogging was not a good thing to be involved in, and that it was as dangerous as "chat rooms"
So I thought I would put this post on and see what others out there in blogging land thought.
I know I have only been blogging for a short while, but I really love it and the interaction that you can have, and I fail to see how it could be dangerous. Maybe I'm just naive, and only want to see the best in everbody. Frankly, it seems to me that unwanted e-mails are a bigger problem, and I wish there was something that could be done about them.
Old friends are best unless you catch a new one fit to make an old one out of.
To each their own Jacqui, we will never get complete agreement on any subject so there is little point in trying to.
I make no secret about my love of blogging, it has opened up a whole new world of people I care about.
There are a lot of bloggers who operate under alias' for their own reasons, others won't post family pictures for fear that this might in some way endanger them.
At least here in Australia I think these precautions are unwarranted, but as I said, not everyone is going to agree with me.
I, too, love blogging , but well before I got into blogging I had met a lot of good people through message boards etc.... A few of these people have been my friends now for over 5 years-and I DO consider them true friends!
Of course it takes more to make up a friendship than just little quips , now and then, on a blog site or message board- or in a chat room! But, in truth, I have grown quite close to a few people and expect we will be close and in touch-on and on! Some I can't imagine NOT having in my life-in this small way! Most, I don't expect to ever meet- but still, they are my friends-and I care about what is going on in their lives and they care about my life!
Perhaps I have too much trust in people, but I have never been afraid of putting out personal info...of course I have my family's permission before putting on any personal info about them! It just makes it so much nicer to know a little about the people you are talking with...if not- what is the point of even doing this?
The thing with blogging...if I stumble across a blog site that is offensive (And there are many out there) I just do not go back there! And, of course, we are able to delete any messages we don't want in our comments!
IMO-We face the same dangers in our Real life experiences as we do with people we come in contact with on line- perhaps, even more. We are certainly easier targets to people in our Real lives! What about the repair men we open our door to- Any time our doorbell rings it could be a danger to open it! For, HOW do we ever really know someone?
If anything - I think we might actually get to know people better in online relationships! That has been my experience!
Oh well, as Peter says, people will never agree on this! There will always be the flip side of looking at it!
Anyway- this is my take on it! :)
Hi Jacqui ~~ I hope Bruce had a very happy birthday. Also a nice photo of you and Walter. As for blogging, we all enjoy the inter-action between our Blogging FRIENDS, although we probably will never meet any in person. We learn about different cultures, see great photos and stories of other places, that we will never see. It's educational as well as fun. We only visit people we feel happy with, and dismiss any who we do not want in our lives. It is all about choices and we
each make our own. Love, Merle.
Hi Jacqui ~~ Enjoy your postings. As for blogging, let me endorse what Alice Junierose, Peter and Marcus has said !! By the way -Lavender Farm loked magnificient !!
Blogging is an enjoyable inter-action and I have several invitations to meet others, have checked on a few postings and it has been a positive experience !!
between Blogging FRIENDS, I intend to meet one or 2 in the future!1 We do learn about different cultures, see great photos and stories of other places, that amybe we will see one day also.
I have shared stories of my family and received the same from bloggers. As I write this I have just received a book on Bear Encounters from a wonderful blogger in canada ! I have also received CD's, books and long e-mails and so forth from bloggers I have got to know very well.
I will establish a link to your blog and Alice's etc soon !!
Best wishes
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