Sunday, April 16, 2006

Take a #

Hi everyone,

Whenever the family has been been to visit, it hasn't bothered me in the least that they have taken over the computer. But since I have started this blogging, and I have had a problem getting near computer, so I think I will start having tickets with # and everyone will have to take one, you know, like in some of the stores.

Several times I have attempted to post and someone has wanted me for something or other, like food, or drink, or some other incidental like that. I am going to have to train them a bit better. This is serious business.

We have been having a great time, with the uncles playing soccer with the youngsters or taking them for billy cart rides, or just hanging out with them. It's such a good atmosphere, I guess I am really lucky that they all get on so well.

There was a great easter egg hunt this morning, it's great to see the faces of the young, and not so young ones. On of my daughters-in-law is a real chocaholic. When her children were young she used to eat some of their eggs, "To much chocolate wasn't good for them" she said.

One son and his wife has departed, Carolyn to have a few quiet days without husband or the two boys, who are staying here. Marcus has left for the centre of Australia, to take some young people to Urulu, the huge monolith that has special signifigance to the local aboriginal community.

I have found that if you love life, life will love you right back.


Granny said...

I got a great deal on a used computer ($200) with everything the kids need so I grabbed it. We have them locked out of the "adult" stuff and I keep an I on them but it keeps the games and their music off mine.

Can someone please tell me what's so "adult" about porn?

Merle said...

Hi Jacqui ~~ Glad you are having fun with the family. I know what you mean about computer "lock-out". And isn't
it strange how we have this urge to post. It is great to have these blogger
friends. I will be off the air while travelling. Will post from Peter's home,
looking forward to seeing all the Q'Ld family. Love, Merle. Hi Walter.

Peter said...

Gee, I wonder which DIL it could be that's a chocoholic? with the initials LAH.
Must dash over to heronsnest and tell Merle to bring her own computer if she wants to post from here.

JunieRose2005 said...


Yes! Computers DO become addictive....especially blogging!


Kaleb Stone said...

Hi great readinng your blog