Monday, April 17, 2006

Well, two more left today, so it's just the two grandsons, Jordan & Paul and of course Walter & I. We turned the TV off last night and played cards, we had a hilarious time, Jordan (13) has remarked several times today, about what a great night it was. We get so set in our ways, so busy about our lives, that we don't take nearly enough time to "smell the roses" along the way.

One of my friends is amazed at me, she says that I am the only person that she knows, who cries when her visitors leave. But then that's me, I just love my family and hope to go on enjoying their visits for a very long time yet.

We are finally getting some real autumn/fall weather, cool, crisp mornings, lovely mild, sunny days and cool enough again to have a fire, and then snuggle up in bed.
Very few homes in Australia have central heating, and double glazing is almost unheard of.

I am "hearing impaired" or deaf whichever, I don't mind. My hearing aids are the bane of my life, I have to take one out to answer the phone, and on a number of occasions I have dropped it, or even stood on it, which meant a whole lot of redtape to get it replaced, not to mention the times I have misplaced it altogether, so when I came across the little poem, I felt it was quite appropriate that I post it.

The Hearing Aid.

"Doc," the bushy grimaced,
"I'm feeling pretty crook (sick).
My hearings gone to putty
And everything I've took
Just doesn't seem to move me.
So please some multi-pills,
Sure to get me moving

"My life is a blooming trial,
Deaf in either ear
My hearing aid's not working
And neither is my rear."

So with his special instrument
The doc began to poke,
And after deft manouvers
And a penetrating grope,
Held aloft a prize and said
"My God! What's this I see?"
He'd taken from the ear,
A large supository!

"Doc, you bloody beauty,
My sanity is saved
Cause now I can remember
Where I put my hearing aid"

I am not quite this bad yet, but who knows!!

The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away.


Merle said...

Hello Jacqui ~~ You are getting good at this blogging. Glad the boys are having
a good time. Life does get too hectic
these days and slips away on us. So it
is good to play cards, smell the roses
and so on. Cheers, Merle.

Granny said...

Hi Jacqui. Do you have TTY there or is it more of a bother than it's worth?

I had to go out early this morning to take my son and dil to work - dead battery - so sometimes I see more of my family than I need to. (lol).



Peter said...

Hi Jacqui, I like the little poem, it says it all.

Granny said...

Hi Jacqui. I don't quote the Bible a lot because I don't like taking things out of context but I agree - that certainly says it.

Thanks for the comment.

Granny said...

Sorry. A TTY is a device for the telephone which enables conversation for the hearing impaired. I started to send you a link but there are too many to choose from.

I'm not too sure how it works. IBM has a site with a lot of explanation - maybe too much.

They should be available in Australia - they've been around a long time.

Check google or any of the search engines under TTY or TTY device.

JunieRose2005 said...


This too we have in common...
