Tuesday, June 13, 2006

San Diego and Amtrak

On our cruise around San Diego harbour

Walter dreaming!!!

The famous or should I say " infamous" Banana split

Leaving on Amtrak for Seattle

They don't call this "The salad bowl" for nothing, lettuce, lettuce, as far as you can see in all directions.


We were only able to spend 24 hours with Skip, Trii & Joshua, in Monteray, but it such a treat to see them again. Sip & Terri had come to Australia in the early 80's. Skip was running the YMCA in Perth when my Marcus returned from his couple of years overseas. Skip gave Marcus a job, and from there Skip worked on Marcus and within a fairly short time Marcus became a christian and his life changed forever. It was through Skip, that Marcus met Carolyn, who of course became his wife, and mother of their four wonderful children.

Skip left the YMCA to become the first principal of Thornlie Christian College, which my youngest daughter Shannon attended, and we became firm friends with him and Terri, Joshua was born in Australia. About four years ago, they moved back to the States, as their older son Gabriel was attending college there. We were all very sad to see them go. Skip is now the first pastor and principal of Calvary Christian College, in Monteray, so the main reason for our stop over there, was to catch up with them all again.

We spent a pleasant afternoon strolling around Carmel, some of the houses there have these very interesting roofs?? that doesn't look right, but guess you will know what I mean.
Joshua has grown into a delightfull young man, he and my grandson Zachariah were good buddies. We stayed overnight on a beautiful B & B, we loved being there. It was time to get back on the train and head for Seattle.

We headed up the coast, passing through some really wonderful scenery, in places like Oregon and Washington State. On some routes on Amtrak, they have what are known as "Rails & Trails" volunteers, who board at one stop, give a comentary about the country you are passing through, (only in the viewing car) and then get off at another stop, and either stay overnight or get the next train back. They only do this a couple of times a month, I think it would be a great thing to be involved in, getting to travel and meet heaps of new people.

We had gone to Seattle because Walter was very interested in taking the tour of the Boeing factory, he had seen various programs on TV about it. Also our friend Morna had lived in Seattle and worked at Boeing for three years, and it sounded very much like something Walter would enjoy. Well, after paying his bs fare and entry to Boeing, he virtually saw nothing, it seems that since 9/11, because of security precautions, they don't let you see any of the assembling etc, that people like Walter are interested in. I have a lovely time, looking around the city and the beautiful houseboats.

So after a couple of days it was back on the train bound for Vancouver.


A roumour without a leg to stand on will get around some other way


Granny said...

We're fairly close to Monterey, Carmel, and the lettuce bowl.

There is one section over in that area that's all artichokes - Castroville, I think.

Lovely photos.

Merle said...

Hi Jacqui ~~ Great photos again and the story as well. I remember Skip married Carolyn and Marcus didn't he?
Thanks for your visit to my place, glad
you see something you like sometimes.
Take care, Merle.

Peter said...

More good stuff Jacqui.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Jacqui, great photos. The banana split looks amazing ... don't think I'd be able to get through that one !!! HOpe you are having a wonderful week. Take care, Meow