Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Not a perfect world...

Here in far WA we tend to beleive we are immune to much of the crime that happens in the more populated states, but in the last week we have had two terrible murders, a 15 year old girl strangled by two of her so called friends, in a small town about an hour from us here.

And then yesterday in Perth an 8 year old girl, out shopping with her uncle and big brother, went to the toilet and when she did not return, she was found in the disabled toilet, having been raped and murdered. Thankfully the person responsible was caught, a 21 year old, part time shop assistant at the mall.

I'm sure these sort of acts are influenced by all the voilence that is a constant on all the media, the computer games etc., kids seem to get immune to all the killing or something like that.

I feel so sorry for the families, not just of the victims but the perpetrators as well, it must be heartbreaking to think that a child of yours could do such a terrible thing.

I have three 8 year old grandchildren, and you tend to think that they are old enough to do some things on their own, and in a perfect world they would be, but of course we don't live in a perfect world.


The loss of the Soceroos in the World Cup, pales in comparsion, but of course all things are relative, and we were badly treated by the referee's. Our team certainly did us proud.


We have had a few interesting days here trying to stop a leak in the bathroom. The wall on the other side was wet. First of all we thought , it must have been the tap leaking, nothing as simple as that. So next Walter took some of the plaster wall off, it was so wet and had to be replaced anyway, it was very wet in there but it still wasn't evident where the water was coming from., it still looked like the fittings though. There was nothing else to do but take the bath out, since the tiles had been put on after the bath was installed this was a very tricky job, and we did manage to break two of them.

At this stage I suggested that as we no longer had small children coming to stay we could leave the bath out and just have a shower recess, Walter didn't take to kindly to this suggestion, not wanting all the work it would entail, or the expense either, Oh well one day perhaps, it would give us more space and be one less thing to clean.

By this time it was getting late, so, no shower for Walter and we would have to attack it again in the morning. Because it had been so wet the floor had rotted and the frame that holds the bath up had dropped in the corner, which had broken the seal around the bath, which had made it leak worse, so, as you can see what looked like a small job had nearly turned into a major bathroom renovation. I'm glad to say that everything is back in place, and showers are able to be had again.


We have had a lovely lot of rain today and it is pouring at the moment, I'm sure the farmers around will be very pleased, as it has been the driest June on record.


Rules for happinss: Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.


Peter said...

Awful news about the murders.
Not real good about the Socceroos or the bathroom either, but at least the bathroom is fixed.

Ava said...

Terrible to hear about the murders in your area. When crimes involve children it is especially sad.

I hate it when "repairs" turn into major projects like that! Dang! Glad you have your shower back though.


Merle said...

Hi Jacqui ~~ The little girl was murdered in a Marketplace building like
one we have in Shepp. I was shopping there yesterday. Poor little girl and as
you say both families.
Sorry about the bathroom troubles and glad it is fixed. Take care, Merle.

Granny said...

I hold my breath every time the girls leave the house. We have to let them stretch and gorw but the world can be a scary place.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Really horrible, what happened to the little girl. It's hard not to wrap our kids up in cotton wool, to keep them safe, don't you think ?
Hope you get the bathroom sorted out.
Send some of the rain our way, please ... we need it desperately.
Have a great Thursday.
Take care, Meow